NexHealth Support

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Upload a CSV to send a campaign

Upload a CSV list to send a campaign to a specific group of patients exported from another source.

1. Navigate to Campaigns and select New campaign

2. Give the campaign a Title, and select the desired Location(s). Click Continue.

3. Select Upload CSV from the list of available filters.

4. Click on Upload CSV file.

Click on Download sample CSV file to see the format. The general format required is reflected in the image, and the headers must match exactly as depicted:

Column A: Patient Last Name, Column B: Patient First Name, Column C: Email, Column D: Phone

  • Keep in mind that if the patients in your CSV do not exist in NexHealth, new patients will be created.

5. Select Continue once the file has been uploaded.

6. Create your email/text campaign in the editor.

7. Click Send to distribute the campaign to patients on the list.