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Filter the Waitlist by Appointment Type

Set up Appointment types and EHR mapping so you can filter the types of appointments you select for Waitlist requests.

Why would I want to filter by Appointment Type?

Filtering by the appointment type a patient would like to book gives you a few advantages:

1) You can match the provider who has availability to appointment types they are able to service--for example, you might not want your oral surgeon to fill their availability with new patient exams.

2) You can select high production appointment types for times when your office is prepared to serve them.

How do I set it up?

Note: For the Waitlist appointment type filter to work, you only need to set this up for the appointment types you might want to filter by--not necessarily all appointments.

1. Navigate from the Home page to Settings --> Appointment Types. Be sure any Appointment Types you want to be able to filter by exist. See this article for instructions on creating an appointment type.

EHR Appointment Type Mapping.

2. Next, map this appointment type to the procedure code(s) that are associated with it. See Part 2 of this article for detailed instructions. The EHR map creates a rule telling NexHealth that if it sees an appointment that matches the assigned rule, then we assign the appropriate appointment type. If there are additional procedure codes used in combination for that appointment, you can add those in combination by selecting the blue Add Rule option. For example, if the appointment procedure code includes Palatal Augmentation Prosthesis, then we assign it to the Implant Consult appointment type.

5. Click Save and remap when you’re finished

I don't see the option to set up EHR Appointment Type mapping. Why?

This feature is only available for a selection of integrations, including:

  • Athena
  • Denticon
  • Dentrix
  • Dentrix Ascend
  • Dentrix Enterprise
  • Eaglesoft
  • eCW
  • ModMed
  • Open Dental

I have my EHR Appointment Type mapping set up now. Where can I filter my Waitlist appointments?

When selecting the patients to send your Waitlist request to, your patient search now has an added field to filter by appointment type.